Plasma Vasoprotective Eicosanoid Concentrations in Healthy Greyhounds and Non-Greyhound Dogs

Published 24/01/2016
Modified 21/08/2024


Hypertension and albuminuria often coexist in Greyhounds, suggesting generalized vascular dysfunction that could contribute to the development of a variety of diseases in this breed. Eicosanoid metabolites of arachidonic acid (AA) mediate endothelial function, vascular reactivity, and proteinuria in humans and in rodent models.


The eicosanoid profile of Greyhounds is shifted toward metabolites that promote vascular dysfunction, hypertension, and proteinuria.


Healthy Greyhounds (n = 20) and non-Greyhound (n = 20) dogs that were consecutively enrolled in a blood donor program.


Prospective study. Plasma eicosanoid metabolites were assayed by liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC/ESI/MS) and compared to systolic blood pressure (SP) measurements and urine albumin concentration.

Martinez, J.T., Rogers, L.K., Kellogg, C., Iazbik, M.C., Couto, C.G., Pressler, B.M., Hoepf, T.M. and Radin, M.J. (2016), Plasma Vasoprotective Eicosanoid Concentrations in Healthy Greyhounds and Non-Greyhound Dogs. J Vet Intern Med, 30: 583-590.

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Dr. Guillermo Couto

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