We provide comprehensive evaluation of your patients’ records, diagnostic images, cytology, biopsies, and clinical pathology data, and generation of a diagnostic and treatment plan within 48 hours.
Professional chats with seasoned Greyhound pros who decode pathology data with ease.
Case-by-case Diagnoses for Every Patient
Our lab detectives unravel blood mysteries for each Greyhound.
Fast Responses to Anywhere in the World
Urgent queries sprint across digital continents; our Sighthound medicine clinician catches them.
You can submit stained or unstained glass slides of cytology reparations, or digital microscopic images obtained via your smart phone, digital camera, or slide scanner. For blood cytology, we will also evaluate the cytograms (dot plots).
Clinical Pathology
We will evaluate individual and serial numerical reports and graphics from in-house hematology analyzers, and numerical values from serum chemistry profiles. Information from CBCs, chemistry profiles, urinalysis, and other clinical pathology tests will be integrated in order to generate a short list of differential diagnoses and additional diagnostic procedures.
Dr, Couto’s internal medicine area of subspecialization is hematology. He has almost 50 years of experience in hematologic diseases in small animal and horses. Please submit CBC reports and cytograms, plus or minus stained or unstained blood smears (or digital images of blood smears) for evaluation. If you are an IDEXX user please send a PDF of the reports from within VetConnect Plus.
Dr. Couto is a medical oncologist with almost 50 years of experience. He has vast experience on most tumors in dogs, cats, and horses. As a medical oncologist, he will evaluate medical records, biopsy and cytology reports (or cytology slides/digital images), and diagnostic images and provide an opinion on the best therapeutic options. We will also provide advise on ongoing chemotherapy patients, including evaluation of CBCs and chemistry profiles before each treatment.
Supporting Greyhounds and Sighthounds
Greyhounds and other sighthounds have acquired anatomical, physiological, and clinicopathologic idiosyncracies while evolving into sporting breeds, and are hence, quite different from other dogs. Dr. Couto has vast experience in Greyhounds, Galgos, and other sighthounds.