Dr. Guillermo Couto

Dr. Guillermo Couto

Dr. Guillermo Couto is a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine in the specialties of Small Animal Internal Medicine and Oncology. He has coauthored the best-selling Small Animal Internal Medicine textbook, now on its sixth Edition, and has published over 175 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, and over 220 book chapters. He has almost 50 years of experience in clinical and comparative hematology, oncology, and clinical pathology, and is an expert in Greyhound and sighthound medicine. He has published over 40 peer-reviewed scientific articles on Greyhound, Galgo, and sighthound medicine.

Recent Articles

Retrospective evaluation of the effectiveness of epsilon aminocaproic acid for the prevention of postamputation bleeding in retired racing Greyhounds with appendicular bone tumors

Objectives – To determine the frequency of delayed postoperative bleeding in retired racing Greyhounds with appendicular bone tumors undergoing limb...

Haptoglobin concentration in galgos and greyhounds


Clinical pathology of Greyhounds and other sighthounds

This article is an invited review on the clinical pathology of Greyhounds and other sighthounds. ​ The authors discuss the...

Characterization of canine osteosarcoma by array comparative genomic hybridization and RT-qPCR: Signatures of genomic imbalance in canine osteosarcoma parallel the human counterpart

Abstract Osteosarcoma (OS) is the most commonly diagnosed malignant bone tumor in humans and dogs, characterized in both species by...

Thromboelastographic changes after gonadectomy in retired racing greyhounds

Twenty-one healthy greyhounds with no history or clinical signs of bleeding disorders, and no abnormalities on physical examination, complete blood...

White-Coat Effect on Systemic Blood Pressure in Retired Racing Greyhounds

Greyhounds are known to have a higher systemic arterial blood pressure (BP) than non-Greyhound dogs. The purpose of this study...

Blood gas analysis in a Spanish sighthound breed (galgo Español)


Structure of Greyhound hemoglobin: origin of high oxygen affinity

This study presents the crystal structure of Greyhound hemoglobin (GrHb) determined to 1.9 Å resolution. GrHb was found to crystallize...

Hematología del Galgo Español utilizando el analizador hematológico LaserCyte (IDEXX)

Los Greyhounds tienen valores hematológicos y bioquímicos diferentes a los de perros de otras razas, incluyendo alto hematocrito (HCT), recuento...

Blood gas analysis and cooximetry in retired racing Greyhounds


Serum concentrations of IgG, IgA, and IgM in retired racing Greyhound dogs

Greyhound dogs have significant physiologic, hematologic, and biochemical differences when compared with other breeds, including significantly lower serum globulin concentration...

Prevalence of dog erythrocyte antigens in retired racing Greyhounds

Blood groups in dogs are designated as dog erythrocyte antigen (DEA) 1.1, 1.2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and Dal. There...